General information
- Two-wire and standard versions in two, four or eight zones
- Compatible for use on BS5839: Part 1: 2017 installations
- Two-wire repeaters and ancillary boards
- Fully programmable using simple menu options
- Adjustable sounder delay time
- Sounder configuration options
- Zonal sounder delay detectors only
- Zonal sounder delay call points only
- Coincidence input selection
- I.S. Barrier selection by zone
- Short circuit fire by zone
- Non latching zones
- Silent zones
- Zone input delay
- General panel configuration
- Simple, single board construction
- Installer friendly
- Compatible with wide range of detection devices
- Two monitored sounder outputs
- Three Amp power supply
- Auxiliary power output
- Fully certified to BS EN54-2 and BS EN54-4
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