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Email: sales@c-tec.co.uk
C-TEC (Computionics Limited)
Challenge Way, Martland Park, Wigan WN5 0LD

C-TEC is a leading UK manufacturer of world-class life-safety systems including commercial and domestic fire alarm systems, call systems, disabled refuge systems and hearing loops. Established in 1981 and trading in over 70 countries worldwide, our latest innovations include EVAC-ALERT, a new BS 8629 evacuation alert system, Hush, a revolutionary new BS 5839-6 Grade C domestic fire system, CAST, C-TEC’s powerful own-protocol fire system, and Envision, a new Cloud-based fire alarm remote access, service and site management software package.



products from C-TEC
EVAC-ALERT Evacuation Alert Devices

EVAC-ALERT Evacuation Alert Devices

C-TEC’s PDA Range of Hearing Loop Systems

C-TEC’s PDA Range of Hearing Loop Systems

Quantec Surveyor2 Data Management Software

Quantec Surveyor2 Data Management Software

Quantec Addressable Call System

Quantec Addressable Call System

posts from C-TEC
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